CVC Success Group coaches Jerry & Sheryl Isenhour & Brandi Biswell.
In order to make the dream work you have to have teamwork. And to get team work you have to have a team that has bought into your mission and dream – a team that shares your culture. They have to be able to see the Big Picture and what it will take to live the big picture. It is all about your leadership. John Maxwell covers these things in his book The 17 Indisputable Laws Of Teamwork.
Join Brandi, Jerry, and Sheryl at 3 PM Eastern time today as we discuss the processes to get the employee buy-in required to make the teamwork that will make your dream work!
The Chimney & Fireplace Success Network is sponsored by The CVC Success Group. The hosts are Brandi Biswell, Jerry Isenhour, and Sheryl Isenhour.