Inspections & Reviews
After CVC Coaching’s initial analysis of your business, we move on to the next steps, which include a series of analysis and reviews — these can be on-site, if needed. Think of this as business checks and balances. We work on goals and develop an agreed-upon plan to follow. But we all know what happens: it’s a lot easier to talk and write about a plan than it is to actually put it into place.
Business With Bumpers
If you have ever bowled with a toddler, you’ve seen that management has provided a long bumper to keep the ball from entering the gutter and totally missing its intended target. That’s what we do here at CVC Coaching — we regularly inspect your business and actions and provide you with reviews on the progress or lack thereof, so that adjustments can be made in a timely manner.
The grown-up word for this is simple: accountability. Only by putting a series of accountable steps, inspections and reviews in place, do business owners begin to see that change and growth is really up to them.
What We Inspect
We may inspect a variety of things during the analysis and review process. Of course these things will be different for a retail business that has customers coming through the door than they will be for a service business that sees their customers at the customer’s home or place of business. The bottom line is: we inspect employee performance; operations; vehicles, if applicable; showrooms; sales performance and management; financial processes; warehouses; and anything else that can affect the business and move it in the right (or wrong) direction.
What We Review
First and foremost, we review the areas we inspect to make sure that the changes that all parties have agreed upon have been implemented and are being practiced. We review all SOP’s (Standard Operating Procedures) to make sure they are being followed or modified and updated, if needed. We review financial reports with the business owner and/or CFO to ensure that everyone understands the basic financial reports and how they impact a business if they aren’t kept current. Additionally, we review any other areas that the business owner and we deem important to the business performance.
Why CVC Coaching?
We understand that you have a lot of options when deciding on a business coach or consultant. We know that in order for you to choose us, we have to perform to a standard that most companies cannot reach. We also know that many coaches in this arena have never successfully run a retail or service business; many bring a lot of book knowledge, but not a lot of practical experience.
We, however, bring over 30 years of practical experience in running and operating successful service, retail and manufacturing businesses, and we have seen how this alone makes a tremendous difference in understanding what the business owner is really going through.
So call CVC Coaching today at (704) 425-0217! You may also opt to fill out self-evaluation business analysis form and we will contact you during the time you specify on the form (if at all possible).
Initial phone calls to get acquainted cost you nothing but your time – all we ask for is your full attention. Let’s set up a time to talk and see if we can get your business dreams from the horizon to your hands!
Our comprehensive support services include all the help you’ll need in designing a retail space that makes the most of what you have to work with.