Business Coaching & Consulting
Jerry Isenhour is our Senior Business Consultant and directs all aspects of our business coaching program by matching business owners with the right person to help them with their overall business goals. Most people think a coach is someone who simply listens and cheers you on as you go about building your business, but at CVC Success Group, we believe coaching is much more than a passive activity.
Get What You Need When You Need It
When you think of baseball, you notice that coaches are active during the entire game and are in essence a, “part of the team”. It’s the same way with CVC — we will get to know your business inside and out, thus becoming an integral part of your business team.
While we will cheer you on, we will also help steer you in the right direction as you build and equip your business with a great staff, sales team, business and financial practices, and effective marketing strategies. We will hold you accountable for doing the things necessary to reach your dreams, and conversely, you can hold us accountable for doing what we say we will do as well.
The best coaches are the ones who give you what you need when you need it. If you have hiring issues, we will address them head on and give you actionable steps to make better hires. If you hate the “numbers” in your business, then we want to make sure you have someone in your corner to translate those numbers in a way that you not only understand, but can use for future growth. After all, that’s why you hire a coach, right?
Expertise & Education At Your Fingertips
Building upon his background as a retailer, service business owner, and CEO of a manufacturing entity, Jerry, our Senior Business Consultant, realized that in order to offer the most value to his clients, he needed to do exactly what he tells others to do: better himself through education.
So, in 2013, he moved up to the next level as a coach by going through the Jeffrey Gitomer Certification and Accreditation program. Part of what makes Jerry so successful at helping his clients meet their goals is that he brings the kind of passion to the table that enables him to quickly gain the acceptance of his client’s staff, many times making mountains move that the client felt previously were unmovable.
Business Growth Requires A Little Bit Of Tough Love & A Lot Of Hard Work
One thing you should know about CVC is if you are looking for a coach that just agrees with you no matter what, we are not the company for you! Growing a business can be messy at times, and we are looking for companies and business owners that understand the work involved. There may be times when you have to get in the weeds and pull them out one by one in order to effectively run your business. We are looking for business owners who are ready to get down to brass tacks and get to work building the business of their dreams.
If you’re looking for a knowledgeable and passionate business coach, give us a call at (704) 425-0217, or fill out the “do-it-yourself” business analysis form and we will contact you when it’s most convenient for you.
CVC Success Group can strengthen your company through seminars in areas such as sales training, systems, technical skills and certification and much more. Ask us for more details.