At CVC Success Group, we offer training in all phases of gas hearth appliances, ranging from 1 to 5-day training sessions. CVC Success Group training is intended for service technicians, installers, and sales staff.

The gas side of the hearth and venting industry has exploded with demand as more consumers switch to gas as the fuel of choice for their fireplace or free standing hearth appliances. This even extends to the outdoors with the significant growth in outdoor appliances fueled with either natural or propane gas.

This has created a tremendous need for service technicians. As the demand of the consumer has increased, so has the complexity of the burner and control systems. Likely if you are a chimney service company, a hearth retail store, or others serving the industry, you are aware of this increasing need. And just like a gas hearth technician is not trained for the HVAC or plumbing world, neither is the HVAC or plumbing specialist trained for the world of the gas hearth appliance. They are different animals and specialties.

To answer and address this need our highly-regarded industry trainers are on top of the challenges of working on today’s gas hearth appliances. Our classes cover from the basics all the way through the most advanced systems available.  Our classes carry recognition by both the National Fireplace Institute and the Chimney Safety Institute of America and have been awarded Continuing Education Credits.

We also prepare your staff members to sit for the NFI Gas Technician Certification class and can proctor the exam during classes, after you have completed the one day prep class for this test.

One of the most pressing industry needs is the consumer demand for new fireplace: the one they have has reached the end of its usefulness and the consumer, for any number of reasons, is leaning toward a gas-fueled option.

If profiting from this industry need and consumer demand is a way for you to step up to the next level with your service or products, look no further than CVC Success Group. We have the training to take you to your business dreams!