CVC Succcess Group coaches Jerry & Sheryl Isenhour & Brandi Biswell
In today’s episode of The Chimney & Fireplace Success Network join Sheryl, Brandi and Jerry as they discuss the importance of position agreements and job descriptions. For your new hires, position agreements and job descriptions give them the roadmap to understanding your expectations.
The Chimney and Fireplace Success Network is a weekly podcast brought to you by the CVC Success Group and hosted by industry expert, Jerry Isenhour. Each week you will find new presentations to assist business owners and managers in turning their business dreams into their business realities.
Video Transcript
Intro: Welcome to the chimney and fireplace success network. A weekly broadcast sponsored by CVC success group. Hosted each week by industry speaker, coach, author, and educator Jerry Isenhour.
Our presentations are produced to assist business owners and managers in turning their business dreams into their business realities. And now here is your host Jerry Isenhour.
Jerry Isenhour.: Well, good afternoon, and welcome to having lunch with Jerry, Sheryl, and Brandi today. Appreciate you aboard with us, we’ve got a really good topic we’re going to talk about today. It’s all about job descriptions and position agreements.
We’re going to tell you some ways that these are challenges, and why this is one of the things that people need to have in their businesses if they want to see their new hires be successful. So stick with us, we’re going to play that intro music, we’ll be right back with you.
Jerry I.: So again, appreciate you being with us today. And we do this show every Friday when all three of us can be together, and one of us is not on the road, which happens sometimes, so appreciate you being here today.
So where do we build our content from, let’s start with that? Because each and every week, all three of us are on the phones with clients. And we hear, I am just going to call them sob stories, stories of sadness, stories of failures. And one of the biggest challenges that we’re facing today for everybody is their ability to hire people.
But I think it’s equally as challenging that we see people that we hire, fail. In other words, they come in, we start investing in them with training, and all of a sudden they say hey boss, this isn’t really what I want to do. Hey boss, this job’s a little harder than I thought it would be.
Hey, I think I’m going to take another job. And we think we have some solutions for you today, but you’re likely going to have to do a little bit of work, but that’s part of being successful.
So, Sheryl, you’re in the hiring realm. How important is it when you hire someone that we have this information that you can share with them during that interview process?
Sheryl Isenhour: Well, basically if you can do it in the interview process, you can tweak out whether that is something that they would like to do.
Instead of just giving them a slight overview then you hire them, they get them on-site, and it’s just not what they want to do. And they’re there about one day as we have seen, and then tell their owner I’m ready to go.
Jerry I.: And you know one day is not that big a problem, we’re seeing it after people have been there for maybe a week, a month. Even recently had one that had just got his industry certification, and all of a sudden, this isn’t what I want to do.
And the employers now invested thousands and thousands of dollars into this. Now Brandi you work with office staff, do you see that people are coming to work on offices, and they understand fully what they’ve got to do to fulfill the commitment for what the employer expects?
Do They Fully Understand Your Expectations?
Brandi Biswell: I unfortunately find they do Jerry, oftentimes they do not. And the thing I like about a position agreement, versus a job description, and I actually think you should have both. But the thing I like about the position agreement, is it lines out the expectations?
And we’re both agreeing upon the expectations. I think that that’s where most businesses that we see failing on the office side are failing, and it’s just because there are no clear expectations. And oftentimes, it’s honestly because maybe it’s their first CSR, and so they don’t even know what to tell them to do.
And so then you have somebody coming on, and they’re kind of blind as to okay I know I’m supposed to answer the phone, but what else am I supposed to do here with my time? And so it’s just about making those expectations very clear.
Jerry I.: Okay. So Sheryl, let’s go back to you. You know one of the things that you have your expertise in, you’re an uncanny judge of human nature, behavior patterns and you have been trained into this.
So I think a lot of times, we see the problem is, is people orally discuss what the expectations are, but there’s really not a road map to look at. I think we got to compare this to taking directions.
If we wanted to tell someone how to go from here to Myrtle Beach, if we just told them, they probably wouldn’t get to Myrtle Beach. They’d probably get lost, they couldn’t remember all the things. So how important is it for the average person that they see this in a written format?
How important is it for the average person that they see this in a written format?
Sheryl: It’s your back different behavior statutes, some can hear it orally and they’re good but very few. Most of them need, and I don’t want to say a checklist, but close to a checklist of things they need to do, of what you expect for them to do.
Even I like to take it even farther, these are in a priority situation, these are the most important that need to be carried out prior to the others. And so, if something comes up during the day, that’s a higher priority than the next thing that you have, you need to be able to move it on.
Some people just need to see it written. And to be honest, if it’s written, it’s not that he said, she said thing. And that’s what you fall into many times.
Jerry I.: Well, you know Brandi, and again I consider both of you all very experts in your field. And I think that you are probably the best that I’ve ever seen, in what we’re going to call onboarding of a new employee.
It’s a really dedicated one of our things here at CVC that we profess is, we think that the first day is the most important day in any new hires career they’ll ever have because we’re going to form the opinions.
So I know you’re a firm believer that you actually sit there or someone, it may be your office manager Rachel, or it could be someone else. But they’re actually going over this step by step. How important do you feel that is and the person to understand it?
You do not want someone to come in blind.
Brandi: Well again, you do not want somebody to come in blind. And you want to acquaint them with your culture, and again going back. I use that word expectations because I’ll use it over and over again because it’s so important.
And so you want them to know exactly what’s expected of them day to day, and how to do that. Not just what’s expected, but how to actually carry that out?
And then Jerry, one of the things I want to talk about, I don’t know do our viewers know the difference between a job description and a position agreement, or did you want to tell them?
Jerry I.: Well actually, that was the next question I was going to ask because you had brought up a specific point there. Which is you believe they need both a position agreement and also a job description. One of the people that I had that did a presentation to our group before, in our coaching group is Larry Winget.
And Larry Winget said number one reason why many people fail is they never have a written job description. And so from that point, but I think what your makes the next point, so why don’t you explain what is the difference in a position agreement and a job description.
A job description is a very generalized overview of the position.
Sheryl: Yes. So, a job description is a very generalized overview of the position. So if I’m hiring a CSR for example, it’s going to say can lift a minimum of 80 pounds, proficient in Microsoft excel, good customer service.
It is just a very generalized overview of the job. It’s important though, number one it helps them to understand what they’re getting into, but number two we use it a lot, like I send all of my job descriptions before I hire someone down with them for their physical, so that the doctor can sign up that yes, they do meet the criteria of this job description. It can be used in job audits.
So that’s the job description. Again, just think very big picture job description. Then we go to position agreement, and we’re getting much smaller. So the position agreement is actually, it’s signed by both you and the, I guess I would say your manager.
And one of the big differences is you usually only have one job description, but you can have multiple position agreements. So what do I mean by that? So maybe you have an office manager, and then they also do your billing for example.
You can make those two different position agreements. So there’s a position agreement for the office manager, and there’s a position agreement for the billing. And often times in small businesses, you are going to be required to have more than one position agreement, because we just don’t have that many hats.
We’re all wearing multiple hats. And keep in mind that the position agreement is based upon the needs of the employer, not the employee. And it’s very specific. So I jotted down some examples here, and a position agreement, I don’t know Jerry, I guess we can go over now. A position agreement is written in a very specific way.
So you have the position identification, CSR, and then you need a result statement. So what is the result we’re looking for? And then the work listing, and you want to do strategic and tactical. And then the standards that we want them to meet, and then a signature page, that’s a position agreement in a nutshell.
So like for strategic, evaluate the quantification related to accounts payable. So very strategic, right? We’re not tactile, not touching. The tactile would be review and approve all invoices received by the company, that’s very specific.
And the thing that I really like about the position agreements as well is we talked, Jerry you and I were in a meeting yesterday we were talking about accountability. And this is also where a lot of business owners, managers fail, is they set out these expectations but they never hold them accountable.
And so with the position agreement, it’s very easy to pull that out on a piece of paper and bring up, okay. So you were to prepare all the checks for payment of the company’s liabilities, you have not done that. It is very easy to have that conversation because it is right there in black and white and both of you have signed and agreed to it.
Jerry I.: Okay. So Stephen Scaly who’s in one of our coaching groups is saying that he would love to see what this looks like. So Brandi, since he is a member of our coaching group. Stephen, all you got to do is send an email to Brandi, and I believe your wish will be fulfilled, would that be true, Brandi?
Brandi: That’s true. I’d be happy to send you over the template and some examples.
Jerry I.: Correct. So let them know that’s what it’s all about because that’s what we do and try to help people. So Brandi, let’s go a little deeper into this. You work with many office as a coach on retainer, just like I do. We work jointly with some clients where we’re both on retainer.
There are some clients that you work with that I don’t work with, simple things like that. But do you see that many times that we have failure because people don’t understand? In fact, both you and Sheryl have attended SWAT meetings with me.
And we’ve attended them sometimes it’s remotely, last week we work together doing a SWAT meeting, and we’ve got other ones coming up to do. Where we examine the strengths, the weaknesses, the opportunities, and the threats.
But as we go through this, how often do we actually see in the SWAT meeting. This is actually one of the big movements of many businesses.
Brandi: So this is live Facebook, I have a dog. So I apologize everyone, we are very pet friendly, we love to bring our dogs to work. But to answer your question, Jerry, quite often, and to take this a step further, and I do not want to confuse our audience.
You also need a task list for each position.
But if we were to have like a tree, higher to lower, the highest thing would be the job description. Next, we would have the positions agreement. And then thirdly we would have probably one of the first things I do anytime I go into an office, which is a task list.
So, you are thinking of them as getting as higher, and then getting more and more simple. And so the task list is what I like to start with when I go into offices, and I find, I’ll be honest I haven’t gone into an office yet that’s actually had one set up, so we create that.
And so that is down to the very fine points that’s explaining like this is what you need to do in a day. And that’s nice, because then if somebody’s out sick, I can pick up their task list and make sure that all that gets done. So we’ve got job description, position agreement, task list.
Jerry I.: Right. So, Steve, I see your comment, please just send an email to Brandi, since you’re in a coaching group also. Please send that to Brandi, and you can see your email address on the screen right now.
And I’m sure she’ll be sending that to you as soon as you get your email later today, since you are in our groups, okay. I’m going to make everybody clear, Brandi’s sharing systems, that’s one of the things that we do.
And we don’t just randomly send them to everybody out in the free world. But the people that are in our coaching system, then definitely we’re providing them everything that we can. So Sheryl, let’s go a little bit deeper with you, and I’m going to use some of your background training and your knowledge.
As you look at the behavior patterns of human beings, which you classify in a D, and I, an S, and a C. Which of those behavior patterns is more likely going to follow a job description, a position agreement? And which do they have to, which is going to be more of a problem? Because of their actually behavior patterns.
And I’m going somewhere with this, but which behavior pattern follows the best, and which are going to be the combative powers?
Your S and Cs are going to follow much better than your D’s and your I’s.
Sheryl: Your S and Cs are going to follow much better than your D’s and your I’s. They are more of a perfectionist, they like to please people. They like to be perfect. They dot their I’s they cross T’s. The D’s and the I’s is the three of us know, we do not do that a lot of times.
We just kind of free will a lot of days. And it’s really hard for a D especially to follow, I’m going to use again the word checklist, any kind of list. They assume that this was more priority than that one. And thank god most people are S and C high because somebody was really nice in the future not to make a whole lot of us.
It’s really unusual to see three high D’s sitting on the screen let’s put it that way. So, the main thing is you need to be aware that you are going to have people when you do this, such as the three of us, that have a hard time following the rules. We want you to follow them, but we’re not good at it. So that’s where the behavior comes in, if you’ve got a high, especially a high C, they’re going to be the ones that are going to follow it to the nth degree.
And that’s where your behavior patterns come in. If you know these, you know how to communicate with the people like us that aren’t going to follow the rules, we get the ultimatums.
Jerry I.: Yes. So, Dave Levitt, you’re also wanting a copy of this, so please just send Brandi the email. Because one of the problems with a high D is they don’t remember a lot. So if you’ll just send that to her, she’ll get that right out on a group email later today, because it sounds like something that’s there.
So Brandi, let’s go a little deeper into this because you sit in a unique position. Number one is you started seeing the advantages of doing the disc and understanding the behavior patterns of your employees whenever you took a disc, and I took the original best that I did.
Both you and I learned a lot of things about ourselves after taking a DISC Assessment.
Both you and I learned a lot of things about ourselves, why we got tired in certain situations, and it helped both of us. But you’re in a unique position because you’ve often said that in your office staff you’ve got one D, you’ve got one I, you got one S, and you got one C. So do each of these people comprehend at a different level?
Brandi: Absolutely. And going back to what Sheryl said about the disc and the D, as she was talking I was thinking yes, I would be the person that would come in there and I’d be like we need to change this on my position agreement, and this, and we can make this better this way.
Whereas my S and my C are going to be like yes, I understand. And they’re probably going to keep a copy on their desk so that they can refer to it at all times. Whereas with my D and I, which I am the D, so with my I, I might have to explain why it is important, and why we need to follow it.
Jerry I.: Okay. So I’m going to ask both of you to address the next question. Earlier this week, whenever I posted what our subject matter was going to be, an old friend of mine, whose son is in our coaching group also, called me up and he said Jerry, I want you to know why we don’t have a job description any longer, okay.
We don’t have them, and the reason he said because my people started saying that’s not my job. So I’d like for each of you to address from your aspect when an employee says that’s not my job what’s your answer?
and anything else that is required of you.
Sheryl: Well, on my job descriptions, the very last line reads ”and anything else that’s required of you.” I always add that line in, because yes you get that a lot, it is not my job.
But I mean I’m a small company like we’re not large companies, so everybody can’t do just their little box. So I cover mine with generic garbage, that’s kind of where I lead it and myself. How about you Brandi?
That is typically an employee that is on their way out the door.
Brandi: Well, to be honest with you, if an employee came and said that to me, and it has happened in the past. That is typically an employee that is on their way out the door. Because that’s just not the culture we have.
We have a team-oriented culture here, everybody helps everybody. And so if you’re going to get nitpicky and say that’s not my job description, you’re probably the not the right fit for fluesbrothers.
But I do like Sheryl have that statement at the end, letting them know that there could be other duties, and also that it is up to our discretion to change it at any time.
Jerry I.: Okay. Now both of you carry a high D personality assessment, okay. When we look at it, all three of us Sheryl are almost identical in the assessment from what you’ve done, am I correct?
Sheryl: Brandi is a little bit lower, you and I are both 99 D’s. Brandi, I think you were 80 something?
Brandi: Yes, 70s or 80s.
Jerry I.: Okay.
Sheryl: But I am like a sliding board. I am a high D, my I’s, I look like a sliding board going down. But yes, we’re all staggered that you are more talkative yourself Jerry than I am, you’re a higher I than I am. Because yes, I enjoy talking, but I can listen also. And that’s another trait of a high D, we don’t listen well as a rule.
So we have to be careful, you have to work on that. So, knowing your background or you are the way you are, makes you aware of what you must do, we must work at listening. So it’s why I like the disc assessments done on everyone.
Brandi’s companies got him on all theirs, everybody, to me my opinion is every company ought to have it done on every employee, so they can communicate with each other. And they understand what to give them, how do we explain this?
Do you need the list to explain to you and explain as to your positions, only here as long as you follow these rules? Or will they take it like her S and C and say yes ma’am, that’s perfect. And go [Inaudible 00:21:29.18] and I also have a dog here.
Understanding that other generation is very difficult for a lot of people.
Jerry I.: Yes. So I think one of the things we have to understand is, Sheryl you, and I are what we would call baby boomers. Brandi is not at that point, Brandi is a different generation. But we have to remember that the people we’re leading, the people that work for us are of an often a different generation.
And understanding that other generation is very difficult for a lot of people, but this is why so many people fail, you said something a while ago, people don’t listen. And actually, I posted a Facebook post this morning about one of the surest methods to lose a customer is not listen to the customer, and not give the customer what the customer wants.
Also here make profess, you’ve got to sell to the customers, the customer wants to be sold to, not those type of things. But you know as I’m sitting here and I’m listening to both of you. And of all the swat meetings I’ve ever done, which is quite a lot now over my coaching career. And like I said, both of you have participated in the SWOT process with our clients.
Sometimes virtually, sometimes live. But it’s amazing, the number one issue that always rises to the top, and Brandi it did it last week again is communication. It is communication. In fact, the company that we did the SWAT with last week, we’re actually going through a process right now of doing new SWATs throughout, excuse me newbies assessments of everyone.
And then from this point, you’re going to have a debriefing with the company as a whole. What are you going to do in that deep briefing to help resolve this communication issue that so often rises up as a problem?
Sheryl: The main thing I want to do here, it wouldn’t be like doing a one-on-one debriefing. It will be explaining to them how to look at a DISC. And then explain what the verbiage is under what may be theirs.
It is much more generic than a one-on-one.
It’s much more generic than a one-on-one. But the whole idea is to get them to see that there are other behaviors than their own. But the main thing is to show them how to read their own behavior because a DISC shows you more of not what you see because we’re looking through the colored glasses as we lookout. We see ourselves as the way we think we are.
The DISC will show you how other people see. And if they see something in there that’s not right, if they’re not attentive or something like that, then they can work on it. To me, knowledge is huge.
As long as you have the knowledge, then number one, you’ll change some just because the answer, other things you have to change because you want to. But it is the idea of making them communicate, so this one can talk to that one.
I have slowed my speech down a lot.
And because for me, I have slowed my speech down a lot. I mean if you want me to kick into my 99 D speech limit, we would have done been through with this a long time ago. Because I speak relatively much faster, and more boisterous.
But the thing is I’ve had to learn to talk, knock it off, Jerry. I’ve had to learn to tone this down because there are a lot more S and C’s out there that need to hear what I’m saying. And the way they hear, they’re very much more methodical. They hear all the words.
So I’ve got to make my tone of speech where they can hear the words, not where it just kind of goes like this, and we move on out of here. But people will shut a D down very quickly, because of the speed of speech. I have got to make these people realize that not only is it you are seeing it, but your peers are also seeing it, your spouse is seeing it, your customers are seeing it.
They will learn how to speak to their customers.
So hopefully, Jerry, this short debriefing that we are doing they will learn how to speak to their customers also. So it kind of has a huge overview enough to get started, actually to do a complete one instead of one hour, it would take about eight to do it with a whole group.
Jerry I.: Okay. So what we’re trying to share with you today is how to get a, what we’ll call the high-performance team. A high-impact team of quality players. Now to do this, it’s going to require leadership.
And I hope this doesn’t turn people off what I’m getting ready to say, but leadership in a way is sales. What you are doing is you are selling people on your principles, you are selling people. This is what elections are all about, whenever we look at a presidential election, what are we looking at?
We are looking at what that person brings to the table.
We are looking at what that person brings to the table. So what we’re talking about here is a form of sales. So by the same token, this is also things that your people need to learn that are into sales. Because Sheryl, just like if we’re selling product to a customer, or we’re selling our concepts of the leadership to an employee.
Have we got to change this speech, the way we speak, the way we lead to get the most effective results? Because we are dealing with different individuals that have different abilities to accept what we are seeing, am I on base or am I of base with what I am saying?
Sheryl: You are on base. And the thing is they don’t need to match you, you’re the speaker. You need to match your tone, your speech, your actions to marry up to theirs for them to accept. For example, a C, you do not put your hands on a C, unless we’re in the cell, you hug each other.
C’s will back off from you if you’re not very careful. And the words will do the same thing, if you talk too fast, they’ll shut down. So it’s in everybody you do, but again, the main thing to remember is the speaker is the one that has to change.
Jerry I.: Right. And that’s one of the neat things about podcasts, I don’t know if you all do this or not. But one of my clients shared with me said Jerry, I like to listen to podcasts at hyper-speed because you can adjust the speed at which the speaker is doing.
In live conversations, even though I’m sitting here, and this is part of it. Like I said, learning to listen, learning to ask you a question, and then just shut up, it’s a hard thing for me to do. I do not know if you notice, but times my lips quivering because I am holding it back from interrupting you, which I do not want to do.
I used to interrupt people continuously.
Which is something I was very guilty of, I used to interrupt people continuously, and that was a lack of respect on my part. So again, you’ve got to gauge the speed of what you’re doing. You’ve got to use the right tools in order to communicate with your people.
And Brandi, I think that’s why we see so much success when people follow your processes that are working there with you at blues brothers. Because yes, don’t everybody think that Brandi’s had this magic carpet that everything flows.
Brandi’s had problems before just like everybody else does. I think that’s what we see. Sheryl, when we do a group coaching call, which we had an intro call yesterday. Did you notice how there were so many similarities in the problems that the business owners had?
Every business around you is having that same problem.
Sheryl: A business is a business, and basically if you are having a problem finding people to hire, believe me, every business around you is having that same problem. They were a little different, but we all have the same problems.
And as we all know, that’s why we like group coaching. Is because it shows people you’re not the only person in that boat. And it makes it much easier to accept, and it’s easier to work in group coaching because you’re not only listening to the coaches, you’re listening to your peers.
And again, that’s where the conversation comes in. 99% of the problems that are out there in the world, to me, could be covered with communication.
Jerry I.: Correct. And like I say, it comes up. So Brandi you saw the same communication when we were sitting last week in a room, and you and I were both there, and Sheryl and another person that’s involved outside, we’re listening by virtual means.
Now you’ve listened to meetings virtually before, and now you’re starting to be involved in the actual SWAT there. How much more are you able to pick up by being in the room live with these people, than you were watching it virtually as you did during COVID when you weren’t traveling for that period of time?
Brandi: Oh, so much better. Zoom is great when we need to use it, but I can’t see everybody’s body language. And when you’re in the room, you can see their body language. You can see if they’re fidgeting, you can see what they’re doing under the table.
And it tells you so much more because remember there’s verbal communication and there’s non-verbal communication. So being in that room allows me to see the non-verbal communication as well.
Jerry I.: Yes, and it is. And Sheryl, you don’t make as many as these as you used to with me, but still, you do see it. So even working with it virtually, do you see the problems that exist in the company? Does it come through the camera to you?
Sheryl: A lot does to me, but Jerry, you know me well enough to know I’m a people watcher. So actually, I’m looking for the motions, even there or where I’m here. The problem with being here and sitting, you tend not to keep your attention on the screen as much as you do if you’re in the room.
Is it easier in the room and can I get more of the feel of the person, yes, I can. But being, I guess the words trained to watch people, I can see a lot from this side, but not near as much.
Jerry I.: Okay. So Steve Short also made another, he said great point. Because I did not start this business to be a salesman, and I am going to add into that probably most people do not start and understand how impactful and how powerful being a leader is, in order to take you to that level.
They do not realize the systems that are going to be involved to go there.
And they do not realize the systems that are going to be involved to go there. He said I started to provide a service and fix problems for clients. Now I have to learn to be a salesman, that’s exactly right. You got to learn to be a salesman, you got to learn to be a leader. You got to learn to communicate effectively with people, this is what goes on.
And you also got to understand, when you look at the three of us on the screen, understand, we don’t agree on everything. In fact, yesterday we did a debriefing, and Brandi and I both gave a different point of view to an answer. And then Sheryl came up with the third point of view, which said my way worked with some personalities.
Brandi’s way worked with other personalities. Because believe it or not everybody thinks I’m the mean one, I keep kidding about that. That little girl on the bottom of the screen she’s the mean one right there. She is the harder one to please, okay.
Look at, don’t shake your head no of me, you know that. But again this is recognizing, because the whole thing is even though the three of us often do not agree, and we may have conversations among ourselves with these different points of view. It has never ever changed the respect that one of us have for the other.
I do not think any of us would say hey Brandi, do not tell me that again, leave me alone. I’m sorry, I don’t buy into what you’re saying, and this is what you’ve got to do. Because I often see this, that people just do not want to tell their employer what’s in their heads.
And that is one of the things that we work with in the SWOT process, is making sure that the employer, the boss, he is a participant out there. He’s not leading this meeting. And we’re allowing his people, and Brandi going back to last week, we’ve learned a tremendous amount about that workforce last week. And then yesterday, what did we have?
We had a debriefing meeting that we were all on that meeting, and it was amazing how we came up with solutions to move forward dealing with the problems. Because we have a client there that truly wants, and is willing to invest in his people, to take them to where they’re willing to go.
So anyway, we’re coming up on the end of time for today. Sheryl, is there anything you would add to this today?
Sheryl: The main thing I would add is if you learn nothing else, learn to communicate. And that will help you proceed, as like Steve said, he didn’t want to be a salesman. You’ve been a salesman since the day you were born.
So it’s just a matter of using your communication to present yourself to your customer, your client, or your employee.
Jerry I.: That’s how it works, so that’s great. What about you, Brandi? Here’s the thing. I know whenever I tell Brandi this is our subject matter, Brandi has got her notes together. And the other week she said you know I had so much more down.
So I never will leave another broadcast, because she does a lot of work preparing for this and getting her notes. So Brandi, what have we not cover? Is there any more gold nuggets you’ve got to share with people?
Brandi: Well, I want to go back to what Sheryl said about the sea. She said if you hug C, they’re going to shy away. So immediately when we’re done with this meeting, I’m going to go try to hug my C, which I do know she’s not into touch, so I’m going to try to hug her.
So what I wanted to do is kind of just bring it back around to these position agreements and job descriptions. And the thing I see most frequently is we want to have them, and this is especially for those of you that I’m going to send the template to today too, listen up.
We want to have them, but we don’t want to take the time to make them, because it does take time. And then we get in a situation with an employee where it would have been really helpful to have that position agreement that said exactly what they were supposed to be doing, but we just never made the time to create it.
So make the time to create it, and also I would say you don’t have to be the one creating it. I like to do, especially when I go to offices, I like to give the actual person the template, and have them create their own job description, or create their own position agreement.
And then from there, we can edit it, add to it, take away, etc. So let the person that it’s serving actually fill it out, and then you can go through and critique it. But that way, you’re not doing all the work. But definitely, just please utilize the tools that are out there and available to us.
Jerry I.: Yes. And I think my friend Mr. Scaly just made an excellent comment, listening is not hearing and vice versa. Learning to listen with the ability to be able to repeat what is said. Most people listen with the response, we need to learn to listen with an intent without a response. Stephen, you’re right on top of what’s true there.
Because this is one of the things that I’ve always taught. You’ve got to listen to understand. There are so many human beings, and they listen to reply. In other words, and that’s one of the things that we have to learn. As coaches, is being able to listen and sit back and cycle through that information, because this is what I know.
So many people know the answer. Earlier today, I saw a woman, she posted on Facebook, she is one of my friends. And she said I’ve lost 32 pounds, and the reason was because she had a coach. And what the coach always do was able to encourage her.
Brandi, as a health person like you are, you can sympathize when, and have the right words when somebody is deviating off of their diet. Sometimes, which you are quick to attack. I cannot eat a French fry with Brandi on the camera there, I’m going to get a lecture there shortly thereafter. Which I love her because she’s looking after my welfare.
But this is what you got to do, and by being that leader. By being that person that can listen, because you’re talking to three people right now are speaking to you, that probably was one of the most difficult things the three of us ever had to go through. You heard Sheryl say she slowed her speech down me speaking and taking palsies.
Brandi same way, it’s the changes that you go through to be successful. So anyway, we really want to appreciate you being here today with us at lunch time. We hope you’ve gotten value out of this. Our company is CVC success group, and we have a mission, which is we want to help our clients take their business dreams and turn them into their business realities.
We do not want to predict that future for them.
We do not want to predict that future for them, we do not want to tell them what size business they need to be. We don’t want to tell people you got a scale or you got to do this or that. We want them to tell us, and then we’re going to help them in order to construct that GPS, that map to get to that destination they’ve got in mind.
Because that’s what it’s all about. If you’re self-employed, you want a business for one reason, and that reason is to bring you the things that you want in this world, and so you can do the things that you want to do. That’s why you became self-employed. So we appreciate you joining us again here, and we will see you next time on our next broadcast.
So thank you, we hope you have a most wonderful weekend out there. I hope you’re not in the storm zones because storms are going pretty bad up through certain parts of the country. I saw flooded roads today.
If you got value out of this, we would highly appreciate if you share this on your own social pages. Because the replays stay up. And again, have a wonderful week. And with that, we’re out of here, we’ll see you on our next broadcast.
Brandi: Bye.