CVC Succcess Group coaches Jerry & Sheryl Isenhour
Jerry invites you to share today’s episode of The Chimney and Fireplace Success Network with your entire company. Today’s topic is Investing In Yourself. Jerry and Sheryl share their thoughts and strategies on not only investing in yourself, but how to pull your team together and invest in each other as a group.
The Chimney and Fireplace Success Network is a weekly podcast brought to you by the CVC Success Group and hosted by industry expert, Jerry Isenhour. Each week you will find new presentations to assist business owners and managers in turning their business dreams into their business realities.
Video Transcript
Jerry Isenhour.: Well, good afternoon. I want to thank you for joining us here today on the CVC chimney and fireplace success network. It’s our podcast, and today we’re going to be talking about something I think it’s going to really play big for you.
You and your team members, in fact, this may be a show for you to even share with the members of your team. So, hang on with us, we are going to get started in just a minute, and we look forward to discussing investing in yourself today.
Today we are going to be talking about investing in yourself.
Today we are going to be talking about investing into yourself. And like I said, this is going to be a great episode for you to share with the members of your team and how they can move forward. And I’m going to tell you what inspired this in my mind this week was.
One of my clients contacted me, and he was just on top of himself because he had done some in-house training this week. And everybody but one guy passed the test. And he told me, and shared with me here is the problem, this guy just was not into it. So Sheryl, as we talk about this and investing in yourself, what’s coming to your mind whenever I say that?
Sheryl Isenhour: Well, all the time, just if everything comes across naturally. There are times when you must try to do something for yourself and by yourself, we are talking about yourself, your business, your team members, your family; you must invest time in all of these to make them work.
Jerry I.: That’s it. And see, this is the problem, and when you look at it, I see this happening every day. I am seeing it where team members and possibly on your team, instead of training, instead of taking educational classes to get better.
What am I going to get paid?
What they are looking for is, but what am I going to get paid? And this is so often the case that we see in this world today, is people are wondering about the compensation they’re going to get today, instead of what’s going to come to us in the distance.
I want you to think about it for a minute; if you are an employee listening to me right now, think about how you are going to be viewed as much more valuable when you are a person that is striving to gain knowledge, who is striving to get better.
Give me some training.
A guy that is saying, hey boss, give me some training, send me some classes, tell me some books to read and how I can get better. Now Sheryl as an employer, you’ve got a manufacturing entity. A lot of people may not know that. What would it be like if a guy came to your office on Monday morning and said that to you?
Sheryl: Well, there’s just certain ways I like to be responded to. As you say, I’m much rather somebody asked me what can I do for you? What can I do to make myself better? Instead of when am I going to get a raise. Because they come together, and more responsibility means more money in my book.
Quotes from Zig Ziglar
Jerry I.: That’s it. So when you go down here, this is one of the things, and this is one of our thought processes today. And number one, I want to tell you now, if you’re not a fan of Zig Ziglar, we’re going to be using quotes today from Ziglar.
Because here’s what you have, and you may not be aware of this. This lady sitting right beside me has received extensive training in the Ziglar way of thinking, the Ziglar way of doing business. She is a certified Ziglar trainer and coach. Now that meant to do that, what did you have to do to attain that level, Sheryl?
Sheryl: Actually, I had to go through an extensive interview, to begin with, and then when I say five days of extensive training, we went at daybreak and some nights it was close to midnight till we got done with everything we wanted to do. It wasn’t a one and done, and then now I’d like, these organizations, I have to get continuing education to stay in. I have to go back or virtually now, but I have to attend meetings every year again. I mean, you do not, they did not just hand it to you. And then when I went to be a coach, again it was another period of time. It was not just a stamp and walk away.
Something called stinking thinking.
Jerry I.: Okay. So as you do this, one of the things that Zig often used, and I want you to think about this in a minute and see if this is something that’s affecting your team members. See if to say something called stinking thinking, do you remember that?
And the whole thing about it is, he said, that stinking thinking it really just infected a person’s attitude. So what would you say to expand on that, Sheryl, about stinking thinking? What did the Ziglar process, and when you were trained to present Ziglar material, which you are? What did they share with you about stinking thinking?
You must clean up the mind before you can clean up your actions.
Sheryl: Okay. You are what you think, and if you’re always negative, we call them negative Nellie’s a lot of times. If you’re thinking that way if you’re thinking bad thoughts. If you are, you don’t have to be saying them. If they’re inside, they’re coming out. You must clean up the mind and the thought processes before you can clean up your actions.
Jerry I.: And one of the things that we do, we like to share books, our own books and books written by very influential people. So, as I am looking up here right now, I pulled a couple of Zig books out because Sheryl commonly uses these with other people. Sheryl, of the two books there, let’s hold one of them up for people, let’s talk about it a minute. Okay, so this is a book, See You At The Top. So what did he mean by this?
Sheryl: He is the leader he was he did not want you to stay at the bottom and him be at the top of the leadership. He wanted to see you there.
You cannot run up the ladder.
It is a step process; you cannot run up the ladder; you must climb the ladder, step by step. But when you get there, you do it. And then it’s the checkup from the neck up, same thing you were just talking about. You need to check up from the neck up.
Jerry I.: Right. So in your dealings with, let’s look at it this way, in your daily life, one of the roles that you do is you work in our company, and you’re actually doing preliminary interviews with new hires for team members around the country.
You’ve got quite a few clients that you actually do this initial hiring for. So as you’re interviewing these people, how many of them need a checkup from the neck up? And they’re coming in with stinking thinking?
They are not looking at the big picture.
Sheryl: Quite a few of them. They come in with, they are not looking at the big picture, they are looking at today. And I know sometimes when you don’t have a job, or when you’re really intent on getting one, it’s that yes I got to get here I get there, but no, you don’t. You need to get in and then show the people what you’re worth.
Take that stinking thinking that you got going on, show the people that you don’t think that way; you think for the company’s benefit. You think about the good things that go on. I mean, one thing I do is every morning, I try to think of something I’m grateful for. Now I asked this question to some of the hiring’s, just what are you grateful for? And to me, when you’ve got to think about it, there’s something going wrong.
An investment in yourself pays a lifetime of return.
Jerry I.: Right. It’s like Bart just shared, an investment in yourself pays a lifetime of return. In preparation for this, I was actually down in the studio and getting ready, and Sheryl came downstairs, and I was actually playing a video of Zig. And this is where he recorded see you at the top. And in part of this, he told the story.
And it was about a guy that worked for a railroad. So this was a crew of construction workers, they were out in the hot sun, and they were slaving away. And all of a sudden, this was back in the days of the railroad car. And there was this really nice railroad car pulled up and stopped where they were working. And it had the private coach of the guy that had worked at the company.
And so the guy that would run the railroad walked out on the back of the railroad, and he said, hey John, is that you over there? He said yes. I said, well, come on in, have a seat, set a spell, and let’s catch up on each other. So John went up to the railroad car and had a seat in the railroad car with this guy that runs the railroad today. And when he comes back out, all his co-workers were amazed, says, well, how did you know this guy John? And John said we both went to work at the railroad at the same time. Well, how did he get to the top, and you did not?
That guy went to work for the company.
And John said because when I went to work for the railroad, I went to work for $3.50 an hour, but that guy right there went to work for the company. And that’s what we’re talking about here. And see, this is part of an interior culture, the inner culture of human beings, and the culture that you’ve got to get into your workforce today.
Again, when we look at it, so often, so many workers they’re wanting training, but they’re wanting to be compensated for. And to be honest with you, when I’m conducting training, earlier this week I did a four-hour training for one group. And it was through our live intensive, but you could look out there, and as I see these people on their cams, you can tell some of them are in it, and others are simply enduring it, okay?
Are you training simply for the CEUs?
Now to give you an example of later in the week, I did a talk on Thursday night training a group of home inspectors and some skills for their industry. And as they went into this, they actually had a meeting prior to this, asking about future things when they go back to meeting in person. And ask them questions, are you coming to this training simply for CEUs? Are you more into training for networking? Are you here for the education?
What’s your purpose in being here? And it was amazing because they ran a poll, and you could see why people wanted to be here. Some of them went to the training for the ability of networking with other people.
Other people were very interested in the education, and some only came because they were forced to because they have to accumulate so many CEU’s in a certain period of time in order to retain their license. And I also see this, I see people all the time that attend our training that we put on, and they make a judge; you know when they judge that they are done with training Sheryl?
Sheryl: When they get their CEU’s.
Jerry I.: When they have accumulated enough CEUs for recertification. And at that point, hey, we’re done, no, you’re not. Because what you’ve got to do is keep growing and growing and doing these things. And this is part of believing in yourself and believing that you can be better at what you do. But see, if you are a team leader, that means you got to be a leader in this day and time.
Become this servant leader as Dr. John Maxwell shares
And what you have got to do is become this servant leaders Dr. John Maxwell shares in this book about the 21 irrefutable laws of leadership. Sheryl, she’s a Ziglar coach, she’s a Ziglar trainer. She is a disc assessor myself, I am a Jeffrey Gitomer certified coach, and I am also certified by Dr. John Maxwell as a coach.
So I’m licensed to actually use the words and use the teachings of John Maxwell in my talks with you and in my training. So what we’ve done is, Sheryl, did you have to go get Ziglar certification?
I got my Ziglar certification for me.
Sheryl: No, I went to get Ziglar certification from me.
Jerry I.: Do you think anyone hires you today because of your Ziglar certification? Let’s lay it down. You get to see you; you do everything else.
But do you know any clients that we have that buy from us, that hire us that become our clients that do it because I am John Maxwell certified or I am get Gitomer certified, or you are Ziglar certified, or you are disc certified? Do anyone actually buy you because of those certification? Because of those merit badges you have? Or do they buy because of the energy and the way you serve your clients?
The energy and the way I serve.
Sheryl: The energy and the way I serve. It definitely made a change to me; I don’t know if your certifications when you went to get them, they made a change in you. But the Ziglar content, the Ziglar people, Tom, the sisters, everybody there, Julie, you can’t imagine what a group of people can do to your life until you’ve been in it. Where the thing is Jerry, at that time, they didn’t teach you. They let you learn, big difference.
The mindset of the people on your team
Jerry I.: Okay, got it. So here’s the whole thing, you hear a lot out here, and you’ve got to look at this. Again if you’re a leader, what’s the mindset? The mindset of the people on your team. What is it that drives them? Because what you’re often going to find is there’s a big missing ingredient. And that missing ingredient is going to be attitude. It is Gitomer shared whenever I went through his training that attitude is something we are not taught in schools. Attitude is something we don’t get a course in. Attitude is something we don’t graduate with a degree in attitude. In fact, Gitomer teaches that there is there is a negative attitude, there is a positive attitude, and then what we have then is called the yes attitude.
How do you get your people to invest in themselves?
And that yes attitude as Mr. Gitomer has trademarked, and I must recognize him for coming up with this. This yes attitude, that’s what we got to build and grow on those people that we lead. It’s what they need if you’re going to get to success. So the key it gets down to it, how do you get your people to invest in themselves? Is it an inner culture?
It is missing that people need to invest in themselves.
What is it? Sheryl, what do you think it is that’s missing that people are not investing into themselves, and let’s go further. Also, it could be part of the leader’s things. The leader may have figured that they have attained a certain level in life, and they don’t need to move higher. So what’s your thought process on that?
Part of it is the leader’s fault.
Sheryl: My first thought process is part of it is the leader’s fault. You need as a leader to explain to your employees why they need to learn. Not just that, okay, you’ve got to have your CEU’s to get this, you’ve got to do that.
You need to meet with them and explain to them, okay. We need to learn to get to this level because I’ve seen guys, and I know you have too, that came in at the bottom level, and they never get any higher. The reason you don’t get higher is because you don’t learn. And I think right there is your missing step. No one explains to them why they should learn.
People in the front of the class want to learn.
Jerry I.: Yes. It’s like my friend Bill Thornton from Pennsylvania saying people in the front of the class want to learn, and Bill I’m going to go on top of that because I recently did an interview with Bill Ryan, Billy Stacks, and that was one of the things that Bill said. When there’s a classroom, and I can remember when he attended one of the first-class I ever had Bill Ryan in a class.
He was sitting right there on that front row, and he was soaking up this knowledge. And when I interviewed him, I asked the question, did I influence you in those early days? And he said yes. And I said, did I endpoint you to become a person that taught others and shared, he said yes. Following your example was a lot of what drove me as I developed up.
And another person here that is adding something, yes, it is Bruce Mills. He is saying yes, a wonderful alternative to know from Jeffrey Gitomer. So again, these are the processes that we got to teach. But so often, our culture today blocks us from people. So, Sheryl, you got another book of Ziglar sitting right there, let’s tell them a little bit about that book, okay. What is that one?
It is called Born To Win
Sheryl: It is called Born To Win.
Jerry I.: And what did Zig write there. You are licensed to teach Born To Win. So what is Born To Win? What are we talking about here?
Sheryl: We were born to win. We were born to get to a different level. We were not put here just to take up air. We were at birth given incentives.
And the problem is a lot of us didn’t choose to follow them, or at some point in your life, you quit. Ziglar says everyone was born to win, and I totally believe that. There are extenuating circumstances, but nobody was put here not to be a success.
Jerry I.: Yes. In my talks, in my teachings, I love to use analogies. I love to use comparisons. And drawing from comparisons, a lot of people say, Jerry, how did you come back quick with these types of things when you are teaching the class.
It is done by reading; it is done by studying.
It is done by reading, it is done by studying, it is coming by analyzing and listening to what people are saying coming up. Now let me give you one of Zig’s analogies that I was just listening to right before we start this. And Zig was talking about his Sunday afternoons, and what he did was he would go to church, and he would come home.
And at that point, he would turn on the television, and he would watch the cowboys play. And he said, you know, he said it this way when the cowboys got 61 to nothing ahead, that he would doze off to sleep. Well, said he would wake up a little bit later, and as he looked, he would see that this fire that he had built earlier had kind of died out.
But he said what he would do then was go over there, and he would take his poker, and he would poke, and he would prod into that fire and separate up and activate that fire. And before long, the fire came back to life. Now think of that if you have a company with people in it, and their culture isn’t where it’s going to be. What you have got to do is you got to poke and prod that fire to activate that coming back to life.
The leader has got to have the patience.
And see, these are the hard things that people do because a leader has got to have the patience to prod it over and over and over. It’s just like putting fuel in your car; every once a while you’re going to go so far, and that car is going to run out of fuel.
And when it stops, you got to refuel that car. So maybe as a leader, that’s what you got to think about is, how do you poke and prod that fire that’s in there? Naturally, you got to start out with good wood; you got to get the right wood; you got to burn seasoned wood. Well, that’s going to be in your selection process and how you select the new members of your team to add to your team.
So, Sheryl, as you were told about again, Born To Win and See You At The Top, what is some of the things that come out of this from Ziglar teachings that you can share with people to put into their challenges? Because as the leader, it’s so challenging, and you seem like you have to do this over and over. But it is just like maintaining property.
If you buy a piece of real estate to for an investment, we call it a flip.
If you buy a piece of real estate today for an investment, what we call flip. If you look, people take a piece of property that’s run down, and all of a sudden, they put some money into it, they invest into this, and they get it really looking good.
They fix the walls, they modernize the look, they do whatever they want to, and all of a sudden, they got a piece of property that now is in high demand, and it can sell very easily, and it’s probable. So, is this like what it is like of leading a team of people in today’s world?
Sheryl: Similar. But I’m going to backtrack a little bit on something you said earlier, the poking and the prodding. I want to direct this towards the leaders out there. How many times have you gone to a seminar and you sit there, and you got pumped up, and you got revved up, and then you are in the car on the way back, and it is like I am going to do this, I am going to get it done.
Nobody is poking and prodding you.
And then you get back, and it slows down, and you are back into the regular routine. Nobody’s poking and prodding you, that’s exactly what happens to your employees. You bring them into a meeting, you get them excited, and then you let it go. And I don’t understand that because without that continual, and I know we have to tell our coaches you say things over and over again. You do; we have to in life. We had to our children; we had to our parents.
We have a big rollout coming from CVC.
Jerry I.: Right. And it’s like this week, Sheryl and I we’ve had several meetings this week with our personal coaches, okay. And it was like there was two things, and I’m planning on rolling out. And I am going to tell you right now be sure and tune in to us next Thursday if you are listening live because we got a big rollout announcement coming from CVC next Thursday that is going to shake the industry up very dramatically because it is something that we really see as need that we are planning on providing, right?
Sheryl: Looking forward to it.
Jerry I.: So, you got to stick around, we are not going to release what this is until next Thursday evening. We’re going to be broadcasting at 7 p.m. next Thursday evening eastern time, and we’re going to release something that I think is going to be very phenomenal for the industry as far as I’ve come. But again, to move to where you want to go, it is going to take the following.
It is going to take the right mental attitude.
It is going to take the right mental attitude, and this is one of the things that I learned from Gitomer. You can have that negative attitude like I talked about a while ago, or you can have a positive attitude. But the problem is if you’re really going to get where you’re going, you got to have what’s called the yes attitude. Yes, I spoke up; I got just a little bit louder because that is what it is going to take.
What is called the yes attitude?
So, the key is what are you going to do to drive your people to the place that you want to go to? You see they’re looking at you as the leader and where it’s going to play to. See, one of the advantages in this world of a person in a political position is. A person who’s a political leader, do you realize they only have to enthuse a majority of the voters.
They don’t even have to enthuse a majority of the human race. They don’t have to enthuse a majority of the people in that country. What they’ve got to do is enthuse 51% of the voters, and the other 49%, they’re not worried about them. If you look past in history, what do politicians do? They gauge the states they know they have a potential to win in.
And the states that they have no chance to win in, they just walk away from it. Now somebody just said there; sometimes the children drive the parents crazy, that is exactly right. But the thing is, this is part of what we take on as parents.
Whenever we take that sacred job on to raise children, yes, it’s going to be a challenge. None of us are ever prepared to be parents until we go through it. That’s the way it is. I know I wasn’t, were you prepared to be a parent?
Were you prepared to be a parent?
Sheryl: Yes.
Jerry I.: You were?
Sheryl: Yes. Try to remember I grew up and my parents didn’t have a bunch of kids. I grew up in 33, there were 33 of my grandfather’s grandchildren, and I was one of the oldest. So I had babies around my whole childhood. So yes, I think I kind of was; the responsibility maybe not. But the actuality of doing it, I knew how to explain the kids what to do.
But the thing is, the second that child is born, you not only become a parent, but you actually become a leader. You have to lead that child. You can’t push a rope uphill, and you can’t push a child into anything.
You want to live your dreams.
Jerry I.: Yes. So if you want to take yourself, and you want to live your dreams, and you want to turn your dreams into your realities, you got to invest in yourself. You got to invest in yourself. That’s where mentors, that’s where coaches, that’s where confidants, that’s what just having a friend you can talk to, that’s going, to be honest with you.
You see that’s what coaches are; a lot of people don’t understand this. But as coaches, we got to be directly honest with people, we have to tell them this is where you’re failing at, and this is how you get through it. Because see the role of the coach is not to do it for you but to help you find your own answers and how to proceed in.
That is what coaches do.
That is what coaches do. Coaches are not consultants; coaches don’t do it for you. But this is where you got to make the decision. You see, we all live with these dreams in life of the things that we want to do. But you’d like it, I’ll compare to another way. When I was going through the Gitomer training some years ago, I was sitting there. And as I looked, I listened to the questions, and Jeffrey was talking about you’ve got to build your own brand.
And I think one of the Ziglar things is; you got to become you. You’re not going to be Zig Ziglar, nobody’s going to be. We have quoted Zig Ziglar because of the wisdom and the analogies that Zig uses. But at the same time, I am not John Maxwell, I am not Jeffrey Gitomer, and to be honest with you, I do not want to be. I am Jerry Isenhour, and my goal is to be the best Jerry Isenhour I can be.
You must build your own brand.
Because I am the only Jerry Isenhour that exists out there. Yes, some people have the same name somewhere else. But again, I’m an individual. And I have to set my sights on being the best that I can be. What about you, Sheryl?
Sheryl: I do. I mean, I was taught not to try to learn to be anybody else because they’re already that person; they don’t need another one of them. You have to be yourself, and you have to be a reader; I mean, leaders are readers.
My thing is, I will tell you now, Jerry reads many more of the words than I do; I’m more of a listener. But I listen to books like this; I listen to things that will help me. Yes, I listen to a lot of business books. But until you have got the heart and the mind right, you are not going to get anywhere with the business.
Jerry I.: Okay. So let’s address this comment that just came up; I love this comment. In regards to the 51%, do you accept, and the person just added in a sense that not all employees are going to have the same drive, the same willingness to learn like a lead tech who won’t move forward. Yes, I am going to agree with that, but you must remember this.
They are going to drag the other ones down.
When you have these types of people on your team, what is going to happen? They’re going to drag the other ones down. And often, what I see is this is where a leader’s got to make a choice sometimes. And I know this is tough in this day and world; how do I cut loose a non-performer? But at the same time, do you want that non-performer to affect the performance?
I’ve seen this so many times in my career. Where? Someone has taken a top performer in their company, but because of the garbage. And that is right; I am saying the garbage.
Sheryl: Stinking thinking.
Jerry I.: The stinking thinking, the way they’re infecting the others, that they finally make the hard decision this person has to go. And after this person goes, what they find out is that the others start stepping up their games.
The performance goes up.
And suddenly, the performance goes up, the performance gets better, the sales get better, the reviews are coming in, you are getting more and more. Because you look at it, I’ll give you another analogy here. Recently, probably six months, nine months ago, I visited with a client on-site. And one of the goals was we got to get more internet reviews.
And as we go into here, we’ve got the very experienced technician over here who makes a really good salary. I know what he makes, and he’s well compensated. And when I talk to the group of people about the matter of getting reviews, he just told me flat out; people are not going to give us reviews, you’re just full of it, Jerry.
You can’t get these reviews like you’re seeing other companies doing, it’s impossible. At the same time, in the same room, is a new guy there. And the new guy bought into what I was saying. And later that evening, I’m still there, the new guy comes in, bringing all these reviews. And now, since that time, this new guy has amassed reviews on top of reviews on top of reviews.
The new guy believes that he can.
While Mr. Experience is not bringing any in. What’s the difference? Because the new guy believes that he can, and the new guy will hopefully infect new people coming in. So how do we want our new people to be affected? Do we want to be affected from the Rockstar performers? Even though they may not have as much experience, or do, we want them affected by the people that have been there for years?
And yes, this is one of the problems, those guys that have been there for years, you better believe they got the technical skills, but that’s only part of the success history. I see this all the time in training. I see people want to sit through and go through technical skills; they want to go through hands-on training.
But when we start talking about motivation training, when we start talking about moving to the next level, about customer satisfaction, about building culture, they got no interest. They’re sitting there with the arms crossed, and they are just repelling the thought processes. So, Sheryl, I went for a few minutes here, what’s your thoughts on all that?
Where did we screw up and let that man go bad?
Sheryl: You know, I just got one question to start with, where did we screw up and let that man go bad? Where did you screw up and let him go bad?
Jerry I.: Right.
Sheryl: He did not begin badly, or you would not have had him. So as a leader, do you take the responsibility that you didn’t invest in him enough when he needed it to be able to keep the attitude that he needed?
Did you give him the training of maybe Ziglar or anybody else, a good training, a good knowledge of how to keep him where he’s at? Instead of trying to fix him when he’s done. Do we just not hold on to those people tight enough?
Jerry I.: Well, to me, there is a very immortal philosopher who gives great analogies, and he is somebody that you may not, you may laugh when I say this, but his name was Barney Fife, and he was on the Andy Griffith show. And Barney gave out some classic advice.
Got to nip it in the bud.
Sheryl: Nip it in the bud.
Jerry I.: Andy, you got to nip it. You got to nip it in the bud. And there’s actually YouTube videos of all these different scenes of Barney saying nip it, nip it, you got to nip it in the bud. And see that’s what happens, often people come to work for us and what they’re doing is they don’t have these bad habits.
And I see this so often; somebody will tell me hey, so-and-so is failing in this area. And I asked the question, when did the failure start? When did they start going downhill? Because at one time, you told me what a rock star performer this was. So something happened, something turned this person. So, what we got to do is watch for this change in the attitude because it is quite easy for a great attitude to turn into a crappy attitude.
They can get around people with stinking thinking.
Because they can get around people that have stinking thinking. You see, often they say, that you’re going to be a victim of the five people that you hang around with every day. And I see this often; I see some workforces. And where a guy leaves on Friday, and he is doing great, he comes back on Monday. And on Monday, he’s got a real problem with the world.
And as we start looking into this, we start looking who is he hanging out with over the weekend. And what he’s becoming is he’s becoming a victim of the last person he talked to. You ever notice somebody like that? They become a victim of the last person they listen to in life. And it has totally changed their attitude. So, Sheryl, we’ve been going for a while; what else would you add into this for about how do you invest into yourself?
When you are investing in yourself
Sheryl: Again, I go back into when you are investing into yourself. You need to look out and see what you want out of life number one. You need to figure out what investment it’s going to take to get there. The one thing you must figure out is what are you willing to give up to get there.
Are you spending too much time playing pool and not reading? What are you giving up? And I think if you ever get that, what can you give up to get? I think you’ll move forward. And if you’re an employer, your children see this new you moving to a new level, see you at the top.
You have got to invest into your people.
Jerry I.: Yes. So here’s the thing, you’ve got to invest into your people. And it’s much more than just investing into their retirement plans, into their benefits, into their weekly payroll. You’ve got to invest in your people by being a leader.
Not only that, you got to become what Dr. Maxwell calls a servant leader. You see, once you become this servant leader, and if you think about it, the people that are servant leaders in this world are the people that greatly influence other people. So that’s the question, how are you influencing the culture in your company? What’s the example you’re setting?
What’s the way that you’re being a leader that’s going to take your people there. Because see, you’ve got to build the team, or you’re going to forget the dream. And see that’s what you got to invest into; if you’re listening to us right now, I’m sure that there’s a dream in your life, of somewhere you want to go, the things you want to accomplish.
But to do that, you’re going to invest in yourself, and you’re going to invest into your team members. And there’s a lot of things you can do with this. You can do book studies with your people, but most of all, how are you motivating them?
How are you showing them that you are a person they want to lead them?
How are you showing them that you are a person that they want to lead? How do you show them that you’re a person that has the values that they’re looking for? You do this from the way you lead them, from the way you speak to them, and all the things that you do each and every day. Because this is the hard part, we each and all get up every single day; we are each gifted with 24 hours in a day.
None of us know when those days will end. None of us knows when our time on God’s green earth is all over with. So what we’ve got to decide is how are we going to make this movement to what I call your dreams, and how are you going to get there and live those dreams and you have the happiness that you’re looking for in this life. So Sheryl, anything you want to add before we check out of here today?
Look within and see what you see.
Sheryl: My main thing is look within because once you look within and see what you see, then you can bring the person that you want to be out, and believe it or not, people emulate you. They want to be as good as you want to be when they’re around you. So be one of the five people that they find success with.
It is an honor; it is a privilege for us to be able to speak to people.
Jerry I.: That’s it. So, with that, I want you to know it is an honor, it is a privilege, and it is a pleasure for us to be able to speak to people this week and be able to stream our messages out like we can. My name’s Jerry Isenhour, and you?
Sheryl: Sheryl Isenhour.
Jerry I.: And we are part of the CVC success group team. And our mission is to help other people in this world and help them get to their dreams. Be sure and tune in our broadcast in the coming week. And like I said, if you’re watching this, watch for Thursday, we’re going to have a special broadcast at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, and we’re rolling out a phenomenal program. It will be me, Sheryl, and Brandi Biswell, one of our team members; we will be speaking to you on Thursday.
So be sure and tune in; same channels that you’re watching this on we’ll be broadcasting over on Thursday. So we appreciate you joining us today, and we look forward to you joining us on future episodes of the chimney and fireplace success network, talk to you next week.