CVC Succcess Group coaches Jerry & Sheryl Isenhour
When you are child you have visions of what you want to become when you grow up and become an adult. Join Jerry and Sheryl on this week’s episode of The Chimney And Fireplace Success Network as they share their childhood visions and ask the question of their listeners, what did you want to become?
The Chimney and Fireplace Success Network is a weekly podcast brought to you by the CVC Success Group and hosted by industry expert, Jerry Isenhour. Each week you will find new presentations to assist business owners and managers in turning their business dreams into their business realities.
Jerry Isenhour.: Well, good morning, and welcome to this week’s presentation of Tips and Tactics, which is also our podcast, The Chimney and Fireplace Success Network. Sheryl and I are going live today, and we have a great subject matter.
We posted earlier this week on the CVC Facebook page, and the question we asked was: what did you want to become when you grew up? So, as we were talking about our subject matter for this week, Sheryl said I think I want to do a show on that right there.
What did you want to become when you grew up?
And she asked me; she said Jerry, what did you want to become when you grew up? And then she shared with me. So I’m going to let her start off today’s episode Sheryl, what’s this question all about? Why do you want to get answers to this question?
Sheryl Isenhour: This question that I am looking the answers for is the fact that I would say 99.999 percent of us are not doing what we thought we would want to do when we were a child. A lot of girls had visions of being nurses, vision being teachers, and those who have made those.
I wanted to be the Captain of a starship.
I and this one kind of threw you this morning; I wanted to run a spaceship. My whole life, I wanted to be like Captain Kirk; not only did I want to be on it, but I also wanted to be a Captain Kirk.
Jerry I.: So, you wanted to be Captain Kirk?
I wanted to be the leader.
Sheryl: I wanted to be the leader.
Jerry I.: But wait a minute, this was at a time that women were not accepted to do jobs like that.
Sheryl: Well, if you know me and you know me better than anybody else, you know I’ve never done anything really, this is the trickiest job I’ve ever had. I’ve never done anything that women were supposed to do. But the trouble is, we were not into space travel at that time.
Jerry I.: So, this came from you watching a movie, it is what enticed you that you wanted to the first female captain of a starship.
Sheryl: Yes, that was the thing that triggered that. I always wanted to be the one in front; I’m not a good follower; I wish I were, I’m not. I always have been the leader. And so, it was the perfect fit for me if it had been a real thing.
Jerry I.: Yes. But also, let’s look at this. That’s amazing to me when you told me that because when you look at it, your father was a well-known contractor and built houses. So why was that not your childhood desire?
I wanted to build structures in the universe.
Sheryl: I guess because he built houses, I wanted to build structures in the universe. I wanted to be the one that planted the flag. I wanted to be the one that built the presence. So in a way, it was the building.
Jerry I.: Okay, so it was. But the same time we’re so influenced as children, and we all probably go through that stage of imagination. Like Steven Scaly posted, he guessed he wanted to be a fireman. In fact, one of our grandsons, remember when that was what just tore him all to pieces, was them red trucks and driving that, and even got him toy fire trucks and one to ride in back in his earlier days. But was that what did it, was a movie? Was that a big influence on you?
Sheryl: I think it was. It was one of the first things I remember as a child; we didn’t have a TV when I first was born; there wasn’t one there. I remember the first one, that’s scary. But like I say, it was the thing of something that I was always told when I told somebody that’s what I wanted to do. I don’t know if it was so much that I wanted to do it or that I was told it would never happen.
Jerry I.: Really? So people told you it couldn’t happen back in those days?
Sheryl: They laughed at me; they told me it cannot happen. Women can’t do that, and you know me again more than anyone else. The thing I have the hardest problem with is somebody telling me I can’t do something. I can’t understand why I can’t do something.
How long before you gave up on the idea?
Jerry I.: So how long did you go before you gave up on the idea of being this captain of the starship?
Sheryl: Gave up; I am still looking to be what I want to be when I grow up.
Jerry I.: Okay. So you’re still looking to be what you want to be when you grow up? So even at our ages, you feel like you still have not become what you wanted to become whenever you grew up.
Sheryl: I still want to run a spaceship, okay. Again, I will probably go to my grave honestly with that in my bucket.
Jerry I.: Really? So that will be on your bucket list still; if you could command a starship, that would really be a great thing for you.
Sheryl: That probably is my bucket list.
Jerry I.: That would be on it. Well, you know, I remember back when I was a kid, and we went through this, and then kind of like what was the first thing that got you serious. And during my childhood, I can remember a couple of things; one was watching James Bond as 007.
And all that we went through, and back in those days, you could give your kids toy guns back in those days. In fact, you could give them real guns back in those days because that was the way we were raised. But at that time, I could still remember getting a toy shoulder harness for a gun to be in, a holster. All these different things to be that secret agent.
In fact, you and I went to a restaurant one time up in Milwaukee and had dinner there. We were at the NCSG convention, and we went to a place I forget the name of it, but it was all set up like James bond and 007 and secret agent stuff. Do you remember the name of that restaurant by chance?
Sheryl: I do not, but it will come to me sooner or later. But yes, that was the bomb.
Jerry I.: Yes. But the bad thing was we went back to Milwaukee, and you took a bunch of people that were supposed to be in my seminar that day, and you took them all to this restaurant. And they were all late getting back for my seminar.
Sheryl: And we know why because you told me I could not do it.
Maybe you are following in your parent’s footsteps.
Jerry I.: Right. But as we go through life, this is what happens. And I want you to think for a minute, are you doing right now what you planned to do when you were at your younger age? Maybe you’re following in your parent’s footsteps, but is that realistically how life is planned out for you? What do you think?
People need to look at their past and see what their dreams were when they were young.
Sheryl: Some people are, a lot are fallen, for years I fell back into the construction line. I hung wallpaper for 22 years. So I did fall back into that realm. And actually, that’s kind of what we do now; we build people. But people just need to look back at their past and see what were their dreams when they were young.
You have had different career choices.
Jerry I.: So, let us do this, let us do a little history. In your lifetime, you’ve had different career choices that you followed. So what are the careers that you followed since childhood where you earned an income and then went to something else? What’s some of the jobs that you’ve had?
Sheryl: I was a secretary for three weeks, that did not work out. So I moved on to motherhood, and then I started hanging wallpaper. Again, because I was told I couldn’t do it. But mainly because I had to feed my children.
And then construction took a wild turn, and suddenly, I was trying to decide, okay, what can I do to bring an income in a time when construction was down. So I decided to drive a tractor-trailer truck.
Jerry I.: Really? So you drove a truck? I bet a lot of people are impressed with that one. So let’s tell them where you drove your tractor-trailer truck to.
Sheryl: I drove across the country, like 230,000 miles, and I did that because I was told if I ever wanted to come back, I would need 200,000 miles. So I logged 230,000 miles, came back, kissed my guy on the head that was in charge, told him thank you, I appreciate it.
Went back to hanging wallpaper, went from wallpaper to building islands. Actually, I guess was the next step. I also owned a limousine service, which I wouldn’t recommend to anyone. And so here I am today, still building islands and working with you.
You went through a lot of career choices.
Jerry I.: Got you. So, you went through a lot of career choices, were some of these forced, or were some of these voluntarily?
Sheryl: I volunteered to do all of them; my main thing is, the only one I was forced to do in a way was to hang wallpaper because I did not have, the children’s father had left, and I had to feed the kids. So I think I took the first job I was told I couldn’t do.
Jerry I.: Okay. And also, what you’ve done in this, and today when we look at it, you’ve actually have more than one career path that you’re following today, even though let’s face it, we are of the age that it’s time that most people retire. So now you’ve got these different careers that you’re actually doing and playing with now.
Sheryl: Yes. Own a manufacturing plant, I build outdoor kitchens, fire pits, fireplaces. We manufacture them, send them all over the country. I am a Ziglar certified coaching trainer, and I work under your umbrella. Under that, we work with businesses; we work with people. I just wear a lot; I am an author; I wear a lot of hats.
Jerry I.: Right. Not only that, you’ve also gone through, after you turned 60 you went through a lot of training. You went through your training to be a trainer, to be a coach, and then you went to your disc assessors training. And not only did you get the minimum standard, but you also went to the highest level of being able to do disk assessments for people, right?
Sheryl: I did. I enjoy that. I think I did that one because I totally enjoyed it. I’ve always been a people watcher, and now it was getting to be really nice why I saw in people what I saw.
Jerry I.: Right. And in my life what I did various ways to earn money when I was a child that’s really interesting. My first job was, and I have got this in my book, Chaos To Reinvention, was shining shoes in a barbershop. I had this entrepreneurial spirit, and I would see where people could shine shoes.
So I made a deal with the local barber and set up a chair in his barbershop. So my first job was actually shining shoes. And I also worked in a seafood restaurant, cooking seafood. I’ve still not reached 16 years old, but in my next career. And then my next one from there, still in high school, and I actually didn’t have my driver’s license yet, was the next stage of entrepreneurship.
Where I rented a wash pit at a local gasoline station and set up a business after school and Saturday washing cars for people. And kept going through that. Then as I came out of it, when I got into high school, I got involved in a teaching course, excuse me, a course in high school which was called ICT, which is industrial cooperative training.
And in that, they assigned me to a local printing shop; you hear that, Stephen? You will see you did that also. But I was trained in that, and I worked in the bindery; I worked as a paper cutter. I then worked in the gold stamping division. I learned to run the letterpresses. I learned to run offset process. From that point, I was reading a magazine one night that a guy working next to me had, Mother Earth News.
The Mother Earth News Article told me about how to become a chimney sweep.
And it had the famous Mother Earth News story in there about Become A Chimney Sweep. And the Mother Earth News stories that told me all about becoming a chimney sweep and getting the astronomical figure that you could get of 45 dollars a chimney. And opened my chimney sweep business, and again, I detailed this in one of my books. Went to the bank, got a loan for like I think it was fifteen hundred dollars.
I order the August West Chimney Sweeping equipment
And then ordered that August West system, the tooling kit came up, and then I moved into that type thing. And there you go, Ronald Clark says I did the same, but he was also a pressman. So Ron, what kind of printing presses did you run, sir? Because I ran Heidelberg, I ran Miehle, I ran a Planica, and I also ran some Harris equipment, okay.
So, Ron, what kind of pressman were you? Because Heidelberg was my main form, the main press that I ran more years than anything else out there. But that was the things until life disrupted me back in 2010, and everything changed, and it’s like, what are you going to do now, Jerry? What are you going to become? You failed tremendously in what you were doing, and then a friend of mine told me he said, Jerry, you need to become a coach. These guys need you. And that kind, Sheryl, do you remember that day?
It took us on an entirely different path.
Sheryl: All too well, I remember it all too well. But it took us to a different path entirely. One that has come full circle, back with the chimney sweeps, we’re back with helping people the way we were. You have always been in that realm once you got out of the small businesses, but you did neglect to tell us one thing.
Jerry I.: What was that?
Sheryl: What did you want to be when you were a little boy?
Jerry I.: A little boy, that is the good one. Because right now, the thing, and this is going to really shock some people. But back in those days, this truck would come down the street every two or three times a week, and these guys would jump off the back of the truck, and they would go into the backyard, and then they would come out with the garbage can, spinning the garbage cans going.
And it just amazed me that these guys could ride on the back of the truck. So I guess one of my first dreams was become a garbage man. How about that? That’s probably an interesting one; you like that part. You wanted to share that part, didn’t you?
Sheryl: I was not getting off this thing without that coming out.
Jerry I.: Yes. And like Donovan’s just added, he loves hearing the Mother Earth stories from so many icons and legends of the industry; it connects many of us to that era in time. That’s right, it does. When you look at it, Donovan back in those days, Mother Earth News triggered so many people to go into the chimney sweep industry.
And from there, and Ron says he ran a four to five Color Harris, and then he also ran A. B. Dick, how about that? And if I look back here, Stephen Scaley, he doing a Heidelberg or Ryobi and did some darkroom work. Now the whole thing is I know what all those brands are and things about it when you look at a Heidelberg.
We learned to work with the metric system.
And I said a Miehle press that I ran. Most of the great printing equipment at that time came from Germany. And this was one of the reasons that we learned to work with the metric system because we had metric tools. So I learned more what a 10-millimeter wrench was, what a 17-millimeter wrench, because everything was set up.
So I was able to get engaged in the metric system for two weeks, printing tools in a much earlier age. And Ronald Clark said and Albert, so I’m presuming you’re talking about an Albert that was also in the printing business, it’s amazing what goes on. But it is; there are so many of us that got influenced. But the thing is life changes. It’s like Ron Clark that’s on here; Ron Clark has been working for a chimney’s products distributor for quite a few years.
And then he’s now working for the chimney chat up on South Shore. So, Ron, you’re a person that’s went through a career change recently; when I look at Donovan, Donovan is also a person that has made a career change that probably a couple years ago, he probably would not make an idea, okay. Here we go, Bill Buckley says my daughter is falling in my systems as an entrepreneur.
I want to fulfill that childhood dream.
She started a garbage collection company has grown to three trucks, and she would be happy to put you to work. Well, Bill, if I decide that I want to fulfill my childhood dream, tell her I’m going to be in contact with her. But at this stage, I just don’t see me spinning garbage cans out of the backyard. Not only that, they don’t even do it anymore.
Because now it’s all curbside, pickup there. You’ve got to haul your trash cans out. Like here, we have to have our trash cans out every Monday morning. Because now the world changed, and there’s no garbage men going down this road. All they do today is drive the truck; they have this hydraulic arm that goes out and grabs it. But these are the things that go on
More than likely, most of you that are on here have followed different career paths as you have gone through life. Here’s the thing you want to remember is, every single one of your career paths that you choose is going to lead you to further success because we learn from our failures; we learn from our success points going forward.
But I think a thing that I saw Bill just say, his daughter is following in his footsteps as an entrepreneur. Because that’s what business owners are, they are entrepreneurs. And what you got to do is find a career that makes you happy. Because that is what it is all about, going to work every day where what you do is so enjoyable, it is like having a vacation.
People say you must scale.
Because you enjoy doing it. It is like in our coaching; we advise people to build the business that this is their personality. Often, we hear people talk about you got to scale, you got to scale, you got to scale. And scaling is great if that’s what you want to do. But what you got to do is pick that career choice that you’re looking for. And so often, Sheryl, do you talk to people that have become burnt out on what they are doing every day?
If you are burnt out, look back and find out the reason why.
Sheryl: I do. And the thing is, if you’re burnt out, look back and find out what the reason is. Is it not where you want to be? Is it a place that you would just need to give up a little bit of something? And so we always, people need to look at all the steps in their life as chapters, not as the book.
Jerry I.: Yes. But what we got to look at is see Donovan is following in my footsteps right now; when you look at this, one of my biggest faults in life is spelling.
So, see, that is the whole thing I often tell people. I often tell people the following. I wish that I had been doing what I do today 20 years prior to doing that. But the problem was just being honest; I wasn’t prepared to do it because I hadn’t hit those big failures that enabled me to learn from my failures, to help other others from living those and repeating those kind of areas. Sheryl, what about you? Do you ever get burnt out?
I wish I had been doing what I do 20 years earlier.
Sheryl: I get tired; I get flustered. I don’t know as I, the only thing I got burnt out on was the limos. And it didn’t take too many teenagers to burn me out on that. But as far as the others, I get tired. But I just look at it, and I go on. Again, I have always been one that would take a path that would close one chapter and move to the next.
Find the career that works for you.
And that is what I advise people to do. Try to find a job that works for you that makes the income that you need. And only as Jerry said, scale it to the size that you want to be. You are not the guy next door; you’re not the guy in the next state. You need to make it for you. That’s why I’ve enjoyed the jobs I’ve been in. I have done them for me.
Jerry I.: Yes. So let’s answer here, Jordan Peters has a really good question. So do you both think that you are successful business owners? So, Sheryl, I’m going to go to you first because you own a business which is IBD outdoor rooms. I own the business of CVC success group.
You work for me within that group. You do certain things that you’re very good at, but that’s my company, and IBD is your company. So, do you feel that you are a successful businessperson?
Sheryl: I think I am. We’ve been profitable for 25 years; I have two children in the business now that are running it. I can back up and work on the business that you and I that you have, and I can help you with. I can interact with that. So do I think I am? Yes. I would say I will compete with anybody that’s out there.
Do I consider myself successful?
Jerry I.: Yes. And myself, and do I consider myself successful? Yes, and I’ll tell you why because number one, I thoroughly enjoy what I do each and every day. I truly enjoy helping people get and reaching their dreams. I’m also feel very happy, very satisfied because I’m able to make a living doing it. I can buy the tools and engage the services; it is like right now, we are sitting here, and we were able to build a brand-new broadcast studio for both teaching and for broadcasting as we are doing right now.
It is the only one in the industry.
It is the only one like this in the industry, and not only that, we can do hybrid teaching, and we are going to be doing that this week when we present our basic chimney technician training because we are going to be teaching live virtually, and we are also going to have people right here in the classroom that are going to be doing it live face to face.
We are launching hybrid classes.
So, we are launching what is known as a hybrid class this week, and a lot of our classes are going to do that. So when you look at it, I’m happy, I’m able to live. We are not into debt up to our eyeballs. Our credit cards are current, and we’re happy at what we do, and we feel like we’re satisfying people. So, what about you?
How do you qualify success?
Sheryl: The one thing I want to say here is how do you qualify success? Are you qualifying your success by the company next door? Or are you qualifying the success by the way you feel about yourself? My company’s not huge.
But I’m extremely successful in it. I don’t want to compete; I see it’s hard to compete with the big companies. I don’t want to compete with the big companies. I want to be the best small company and produce the best product out there.
Jerry I.: Right. So Jordan, I’m seeing your comment here; it’s hard to compete with the big companies without having to go in cooperation. And I’m presuming in competition with them. COVID hit my business hard, and we had no help from the state, but big businesses are always supported. Jordan, I am going to have to disagree with that.
I saw small companies that were assisted last year for the very first time in history, that small companies were assisted with PPP money, and they were also assisted with disaster loans. So what you need to do is, you need to get the right mentorship to be honest with you to guide you through that. Because for the first time in history, I am going to tell you what’s true, Jordan.
I wrote a book titled Chaos To Reinvention
I wrote a book called Chaos To Reinvention, and I am going to strongly suggest that you get that book. Because that is my story, and what it’ll do, it’ll take you through what happened to me because I talked about business failures a while ago. Because you’re looking at a person that the banks called all of my loans, they pulled my funding. And I had to go through, and a lot of people know this if you do not, I had to go through personal bankruptcy in 2010 and had to come back from that.
And then what do you do? And so as I said earlier but it hadn’t been for a really great friend of mine, and his name is John Meredith. And if Sheryl and myself had not had breakfast with John, I do not know what we would have done. Because John excited me in what they were done. See, you see right there, Steven Scalia, we were assisted twice once last year and again this year with the PPP, and last year was completely forgiven.
So Jordan, what you got to do here? And Jordan, you’re dead on the money with what you’re saying here. Let me get your comment up, and Don’s just put on there I need to do the disc. And that’s exactly right, because the disc is what analyzes your personality, your behavior. So I’m going to let Sheryl tell a little bit about how this can help people get to where they want to go and determine their future.
Every business owner needs to do a DISC Assessment.
Sheryl: Every businessperson needs to do a DISC, so they know where they are at with themselves. And also, once you understand yourself, once you understand your behaviors, then you could take it, and you can see other people, and you know how to communicate with them.
You can see them with their disc, and you begin to learn. You begin to see people in a whole new light. Your communication skills improve 100 percent. I was an advocate for it before I decided to move into it. Once I moved into it, everyone needs to take it.
We had to reinvent ourselves again.
Jerry I.: Right. So, if you see here, let us look at what Stephen’s commented because Steven Scaly said the following. We lost three people just prior to COVID, and we had to reinvent ourselves again. And see, that’s what goes on here, in business and in life; it is a constant period of reinvention because you’re going to run up to things, and companies that don’t reinvent themselves, they’re going to become stagnant.
Let’s give you a great example, I often bring up in seminars, and that example is Sears Roebuck. Sears Roebuck had been here for over a hundred years, developing up from a little watch distribution company, going through being the largest homebuilder in America by shipping home kits out of their Chicago Illinois factory.
The developed great brands
And from there, they developed great brands such as Die Hard, Craftsman, and other ones. And at one time, everything was Sears. Sears was where it was at. Do you remember getting a Sears catalog as a kid?
Sheryl: Oh, I remember that was my Christmas thing.
Jerry I.: That’s how we picked out our Christmas every year. We had that, we have Montgomery wards, and you probably never even heard of Montgomery ward’s possibly. So that’s one that went the wayside. And different ones in J. C. Penney. But what happened is so many companies did not reinvent themselves. And just like Stephen said a while ago, you’re going to go through a constant reinvention of yourself. Most of the people that follow us are in the chimney and venting and hearth industries. And if you want to know an industry that’s had to go through constant reinvention over the past 40 years, it’s that industry. When you look at it, it is completely different.
Stephen mentioned earlier on here that he came to work for his aunt and uncle, which I remember that is when I first met Stephen, was through his Aunt Leslie and his uncle Bill Van Dusen. Met them years ago, and his aunt became very good friends of ours, we had the same company. They were the Chimney Doctor in Boston; we were the Chimney Doctor in Concord, North Carolina.
And we both bought from the same suppliers, so it was common that they got my materials, and I got their materials, because they were in, believe it or not, concord. They call it concord up there because they can’t pronounce the English language as effectively as we do southern people. But in the south, it’s Concord, North Carolina. If you go up Massachusetts, it is pronounced conquered. But we have the true English language coming right here.
Okay, see, there’s Donovan; you both help me reinvent myself sometimes daily, sometimes monthly, sometimes as needed, okay. So, Donovan’s hit me right there; what Donovan relies on his mentors in life. And you know that really makes us happy because Donovan works with us; we can work with him and mentor him.
Relies on his mentors in life.
But he goes beyond that because he goes for outside coaching. He listens to other people that can influence him in this world and giving better ideas. I mean, just in this week, he talked about Joe Ingram, who is a sales coach in the automotive industry, okay. But he also subscribes, commonly you’re going to see Donovan is going to be listening to Ken Walls, he’s going to be listening to Glenn Mooreshower, he’s going to be listening to Scott McCain and others.
And again, it’s just like what Donovan was saying, all in an effort to help others. That’s what’s key in this world to get there. So Jordan, thank you both for your advice and guidance sometimes. It’s hard, but I guess we have to keep trying our best. Jordan that is the secret to life. That is the elixir. I want you to know something; winners will lose more than they will ever succeed.
Follow the teachings of Dr. John Maxwell
But what you must do is follow the teachings of Dr. John Maxwell because Dr. Maxwell said the following. When you fail, you’ve got to fail forward. There’s another great person, name is Zig Ziglar, who you’ve trained under their philosophy. And Zig Ziglar said the following, and Zig is so full of quotes, he’s probably one of the most quoted human beings that’s ever lived; he’s influenced over 250 million people, they said. But here’s what Donovan said, Jordan; please take this to heart. He said you don’t have to be great to start, but if you’re going to be great, you got to start. And those are some of the wisest words if you can remember that and put it to work for you.
It is going to be a great thing for you.
Hey, it is going to be a great thing for you to do because you got to remember those things. You got to read books; you got to build this knowledge. Hopefully, spending this time with us today, maybe we hope that’s helped you because that’s why we do this podcast that we do. And why we started coming and doing our podcast now live.
We can interact with great people here.
Because we can interact with great people on here, just like you are seeing us do today, and people can add their comments in. So Sheryl, anything else you want to add about because we have gotten a little off track today about what you want to be when you grow up. But I think we are helping people get to where they want to be as they must reinvent themselves.
Reinvention is a part of life.
And reinvention is a part of life. It involves change, and before she says anything else, I want to add this. Change can be painful; I want you to know that. Change can take you to your knees. Change can emotionally; it can debilitate you emotionally.
Are you going to continue to go through the pain you are in?
But you have got to decide in this world, are you going to go through continue in the pain that you are in, or are you willing to undergo the pain of change? Because either one’s going to be painful. But you got to remember you go to that dream, so Sheryl, what would you add into that.
Sheryl: My thing is do not give up, never give up. If you hit an obstacle, move over. Take another path, open another door. Never miss a good door to opportunity. We’re not all going to be successes in the idiosyncrasies of our life, but as long as you’ve got, you think you’re a success in your own heart, and you are where you want to be, enjoy it there because life’s too short not to.
Life is too short.
Jerry I.: That’s it, life is too short. You’re only allowed so many days on god’s green earth; that’s the way it is. And there’s going to be times in your life you may go through health challenges. I was recently challenged tremendously because of an issue that happened with me. But that’s what you got to do, and people often ask, are you okay? And I tell them I am feeling great.
Life is painful.
But you just had a heart attack, yes, I did. And this is the miracle of science and medicine today. That when I came out of that hospital room, I was fully ready to go ahead. And that is what you have got to do because life is going to cut your legs out from under you. Life is painful, folks; it really is, it really and truly is. Stephen has a comment; let’s put it up there.
Failure is not an option.
Failure is not an option; there is always a solution to the problem. That’s exactly right, and it goes into having the right mentors, listening to right people. But here’s what I want to make sure you understand, you set your life, and you set your business for what you want. Never ever set your dreams, your directions, your life, and what other people say you need.
It’s got to be your decision to go there. Yeah, it’s great to get advice from other people; getting advice from those who have been through it, it’s a great way to get there. But that’s what you’ve got to decide. So, Sheryl, we’re getting ready to end this; anything else? I think I said that a while ago.
Get off your butt and get busy living.
Sheryl: You’ve already said that. I say get off your butt and get busy, go where you want to go. Be what you want to be. You can’t be a Captain Kirk like me, but it’s not going to deter that I’m going to lead. I’m going to lead people in the direction they want to go, and maybe one day I can lead somebody to a spaceship.
Jerry I.: There you go. So here’s the thing, if you think what we said today is of value to the others, here’s the thing you can do for us. Click the share button, share this with other people. This is why we do what we do is we want to influence and help others to get to their dreams. So always remember that. You want to go there; you want to go there.
So if you consider hitting that share button, that helps us get our words out to other people. Because we love to help other people, and with that, we’re going to end this episode of the chimney and fireplace success network. We really truly appreciate you being with us; you have no idea what an honor, what a privilege, and what a pleasure it is for us to share our ideas, our concepts.
If we can help you in any way reach your business dreams, you can reach us through our website CVCsuccessgroup.com. Or you can email us at Jerry@CVCsuccessgroup.com. We’d love to have a conversation with you and see if maybe we can provide you a path to go to where you want to go. And with that, Sheryl, we’re out of here.