When you consider the vast array of possible classroom settings, I’m guessing the inside of a work truck might come up on the bottom of most people’s list. Whereas what we’ve discovered while working with our customers’ chimney technicians in the field suggests just the opposite. Giving instruction, coaching, suggestions, ideas while driving around with a tech in the field turns out to be far more effective than offering the same training in a classroom.
Why? It’s simple, because when you instruct in the field following contact with real homeowners in their places of residence, the information becomes far more relevant and immediate.
Also, when you are one on one with a technician driving from one appointment to another, the exchange of ideas, answers to questions, flow of information, etc. becomes far more interesting and lively. Which is to say, both the chimney technician and the instructor are way more engaged in the process.
All of that adds up to a very important educational outcome: the material is much more likely to be heard, accepted, digested, and retained. And that means, it is also more likely to be applied once the training is over.
But that’s not just our opinion. Service industry experts like Ellen Rohr also strongly recommend this teaching approach.
CVC Success Group’s Tech Check Ride puts us in the truck for a day (or more) with one of your Chimney Technicians. This provides the unique opportunity to evaluate and instruct your technicians in key areas of performance in the field, where it matters most. These areas include: customer communication; customer service; work efficiency; core values; ability to troubleshoot; technical competence; clarity of explanations; sales strengths/weaknesses; closing ability, and attitude. In other words, all the areas of competence you want to develop in the team that represents you in the field.
Let’s face it. You just don’t have the time for this all important task. In fact, given all the other things you have to be doing to keep your business running smoothly and profitably, taking time to do this is probably not even advisable. And even if you did have time, it’s unlikely you would be as objective and thorough as we can be.
Our Tech Check Ride allows for real time teaching, coaching, and objective evaluation of your most important assets, the technicians who represent you every single day in the homes of your customers. And, while this may be a task difficult for you to find time for, it doesn’t in any way diminish the value of doing it.
Like so many other business related tasks for which you have neither the expertise nor the time to see to, you may need to go outside your business to find someone who can do this well and do it efficiently.
CVC Success Group’s Tech Check Ride. Give us a call. We’ll be glad to fill you in on all the details.